Thursday, September 29, 2016

Plant Food Plot Seeds and Deer Will Come

This morning a doe deer brought her fawn to my yard. I could view them from my picture window and noted that their winter coat had grown in. There were three deer in my yard when I went to get my camera when I returned to the window I found more deer grazing at the food plot that I grew from seed.

There was movement from behind the oak trees and I assumed it was another doe, but to my surprise, it was a young buck with antlers. I was so excited to see the buck in my yard and was certain that this was his herd. 
Here's a photo of fawn in my yard. The deer come to my main yard to drink from our pond.
photo of fawn in my side yard 

The young buck was six feet from my window and was aware of my presence because he snorted and stomped his hooves. My husband told me to step away from the window slowly because a territorial buck could come through the window. Granted I was too close for comfort and did step back. I took some photographs from the window.  
View this video to learn more about deer food plots

The deer food plot seeds that I planted were easy to do I bought a product at that required little work, it was thrown and grown. (see photo above) You plant in the spring and in the fall and this will enable you to view deer in your yard all year. 

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